Real Cape Fox Skull
The African Cape fox is a small fox with a reddish-brown coat and a white-tipped tail. It has a long, slender muzzle and large ears, which are used to detect prey. Its body is built for agility, with a long, thin neck and slender legs that enable it to move quickly and easily. Its skeleton is made up of a combination of bones, including a long, narrow skull, a short, broad rib cage, and a relatively short tail. Its forelimbs are longer than its hindlimbs, giving it an advantage when running and jumping. Its feet have five digits, each tipped with a sharp claw that helps it to grip the ground when running.
- Skull Length 10.8 cm (4.3 in.)
- Skull Width 6 cm (2.4 in.)
- Skull Height 4.7 cm (1.9 in.)