Real Mallard Duck Skeleton - Articulated
Mallard ducks are one of the most recognizable and widespread waterfowl species, found across North America, Europe, and Asia. Males, or drakes, are known for their striking iridescent green heads, chestnut chests, and bright yellow bills, while females have mottled brown plumage for camouflage. Highly adaptable, mallards thrive in various habitats, including wetlands, lakes, rivers, and urban parks, feeding on a diverse diet of plants, insects, and small aquatic creatures.
- This specimen was formerly used as a display in our museum. Upon purchase, it will undergo refurbishment, which may take up to two months to complete based on the current workload of our processing team.
- We can ship this on a temporary plywood base for no additional cost, or we can order a custom black base for it. Please contact our sales team for further pricing information.